Remembering - Memorials

REMEMBERING - Friends of The Museum and The Plaza

During the summer of 2021, the Old School History Museum lost four dear friends whose volunteer work has been a priceless gift over the years. We will miss them and would like you to know about them.


Dorrie Neligan (October 30, 1929 – June 28, 2021) served as a museum docent and board member for over a decade.  She and her husband Pat often worked together as docents and frequently volunteered for special projects. Always insightful, kind, and generous, Dorrie helped to guide the board with her knowledge and experience.



Henry Karwisch (April 21, 1932 – July 5, 2021) joined the OSHM docent team in 2011 and worked faithfully until 2019. Having served as a US soldier during the Korean War, Henry felt strongly that history, whether good or bad, should be preserved for and shared with future generations.


 Herb Warren (March 2, 1939 – August 10, 2021) also joined the museum team in 2011 because he liked history, and he served as a docent for the next nine years.  His success as a docent was due partially to his interest in others and his infectious sense of humor.  Strangers who visited on Herb’s watch often left as his friends.

George Heiring’s (April 3, 1933 – July 20, 2021) contribution began with the restoration of the 1916 school now known as The Plaza Arts Center and home of the OSHM.  A founding member of the team that guided the project to its completion and after, George was also a history buff who regularly attended the OSHM Sunday lectures.   
