Christmas Memories

Recently, a few of our OSHM Board Members grew nostalgic and shared some favorite personal Christmas memories. We thought you might enjoy them!

“My mother believed that any special Christmas present should remain unwrapped so that my brother Marty and I wouldn’t be disappointed if we didn’t see the present from Santa that we wanted. The Christmas I was 8 years old and Marty was 3 was a very special time for both of us. I can still see him tromping across all the presents to get to the tractor he could sit on. That was also the year my parents handed me an unwrapped box with a little fur ball puppy inside! Even more that year... Santa brought us our first television!”

Carillon Orban

“My family has a memorable Christmas story that has been handed down through the years. Since my mom worked full time, we knew things would be hectic as she prepared for our Christmas Day feast. So it became our tradition to have Mom’s famous chili for every Christmas Eve supper. One particular Christmas Eve, Dad, Mom, my brother Ted, and I all sat down to enjoy our long-awaited chili dinner. As we took our first mouthful of chili, everyone’s eyes widened, and we all grabbed our water glasses! Mom had accidentally put cayenne pepper in the chili instead of chili powder. We ate hot dogs that Christmas Eve!”

Tom Rosseter

“Back in 1949, very few store-bought Christmas decorations were available in Eatonton, so my artist mom, Ivelyn Gregory, drew an iconic Santa, with sleigh and reindeer, on plywood, which was then cut out and painted. Every Christmas since then, Santa and his sleigh are the first decorations that go up at our house. Santa moved with us from Eatonton to Atlanta in 1959, and to Ormond Beach with me in 1976 when my children were born, and then back to our Eatonton home when I retired in 2001. My mother’s creation is now seventy-one years old with broken antlers and missing hoofs, but the memories it evokes are still magical for me!”

Lyn Gregory Romine


“My very first memory of Christmas is waking up from a deep sleep in Mother and Daddy’s bed on Christmas Eve. The embers from the fireplace and the lights from the Christmas tree gave off a warm cozy glow as I slid out of bed. I heard a noise outside, tiptoed to look out the window, and saw my Mother standing by the open trunk of the car. In the dim light, I spied a baby doll under the Christmas tree. I instinctively picked up the doll and climbed back into bed. On Christmas morning, my mother told me that I “almost caught Santa Claus!”

Jene Welch

“I have special Christmas memories of growing up in the snow belt of northern Ohio. On Christmas Eve, my Mom, Dad, sister Barb, and I always went to Midnight Mass together. Many times when we came out of Mass, it was snowing large snowflakes. It was quiet; it was magical; it was beautiful! On the way home, my Dad would drive into residential areas so we all could look at the homes decorated with lights. It was simply glorious! My sister and I so looked forward to the long drive back home, to our country farm, on that night, that Silent Night.”

Kathy Fike

“In 1968, “Swingy” was the doll for Christmas! She walked, danced, turned her head, and our daughter Julie was enchanted. Of course, Santa obliged. On Christmas day, Swingy was the dancing star …until her head fell off! Julie cried; Tom & I were horrified! Knowing the dolls were sold-out in stores, we told Julie that Swingy needed surgery! Fortunately, we had a pediatric appointment that week and Swingy, with head glued on, went along. With a nod, our doctor took Swingy to “surgery” and brought her back with a large bandage around her neck and instructions to let her rest. Soon after, the stores re-stocked, and Julie woke up happy one morning. Miraculously, Swingy had completely healed!”

Sandra Rosseter


Share your stories with us!

Visit our Facebook page to share your favorite vintage toys and memories! We’d love to hear your stories and see your treasures. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday Season.