Old School History Museum

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Remembering Flannery O'Connor

Dear Friends,

2025 marks the 100th birthday of the author Flannery O’Connor, and I have been thinking about my college days in Milledgeville, Georgia, her home town. Although she was only in her 30’s, she was already ill with lupus, the illness her father died of. Still, she occasionally came to our weekly chapel service in Russell Auditorium. Everyone knew who she was and treated her with the utmost respect. While she was still able, we sometimes saw her walking on campus and pausing to rest on the green benches scattered around the beautiful grounds. A nod and a smile were the appropriate greetings. Today I want to share my personal favorite Flannery memory.

Remembering Flannery O'Connor

During my years as a student at Georgia State College for Women (now Georgia College & State University), all English majors were members of the Literary Guild. One of our favorite outings was the annual spring visit to Andalusia, home of the writer Flannery O’Connor. Already on her way to international fame, Miss O’Connor (also a GSCW graduate) was always welcoming and friendly to us.

Early in the spring of 1961, Dr. Rosa Lee Walston, English Department Chair and sponsor of the Literary Guild, called me into her office and gave me an extra assignment. She told me I would be giving the presentation when we went to Andalusia a few weeks later! We all knew that the correct response to Dr. Walston was “Yes, Ma’am,” and that’s what I said.

Our theme that year was Shakespeare, and Dr. Walston told me to prepare a paper on “A Few Outstanding Shakespearean Actors.” I worked very hard on that paper, all the while convinced that my heart would stop when I stood before Flannery O’Connor! The college Dining Hall prepared sack suppers for us that Sunday afternoon, and off we went in the college bus. I remember praying all the way there, a prayer that consisted mostly of “Please, God, don’t let me be stupid in front of Flannery O'Connor!”

Thankfully, my talk went well, and my heart kept on beating! After I finished, Miss O’Connor motioned me over. She said she liked my presentation and then told me a few more rather colorful Shakespearean actor stories! Although it was only about five minutes, I had a conversation with Flannery O’Connor…just the two of us! She was delightful and funny, and I will always cherish that amazing afternoon.

Sandra Rosseter, Director

Old School History Museum